Corporate---Cola wars All the Way!!

Madhur Bhandarkar surely knows how to potray the characters of his movies..This time around...With CORPORATE..He springs a Surprise!!
Like his Earlier movies..who have Women doing the Leading honors..
(Tabu in Chandini Bar, Konkana Sen in PAGE 3) This time around it is the dusky BIPASHA!!
The movie begins with a voice over from the extremely talented Atul Kulkarni..Who describes the Scenario of the City of MUMBAI. "CORPORATE" he says is a way of running things around with their Bottom Line "PROFIT". As you would expect with the title the director doesnt care what is happening in the outside world..
The Story revolves around TWO BIG wigs--One Mr.Seghal and the other Mr.Malwah who are the CZARs of Food Industry in Mumbai..The usual,boring work place is shown with the Cubicles and some silly comedy from the PEONS in the office who have no other work but GOSSIP.
Then, Enter Nishi(Bipasha) she is the so called "GO-Getter" in the office of Mr.Seghal who established herself as an able Employee. She is a divorcee and is shown MAKING love and running behind KAY KAY MENON.
Then there are the usual Workaholics and Aspirants who dream to make it big like their Employers.
The movie actually revolves around the TWO Biggies fighting for a COLA PRODUCT "JUST CHILL" which instead of looking serious..ends up being childish..
There's a PSU to be settled with a Fictious "MNC" and then there are dreadlful politics..
Rest of the plot i wouldn't prefer to reveal because you rather enjoy on the big screen itself.
KUDOS to Madhur for attempting such a movie which actually makes you believe that there is no WORLD outside the CORPORATE world...
P.S: I know this review ****ed...But who cares!!!Enjoy and PEACE!!
THanks alot for going thru my Weird review!
My Rating would be

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